Thursday, May 26, 2011


De todo tipo, colores y estado. Los que encontre en Selfridges la semana pasada. Parte de la campaña "No more fish on the sea, Project Ocean" para concienciarnos sobre el estado actual del mar. Mas imagenes sobre el evento aqui y un video aqui. Por aqui andan unos pendientes de abalorios imitando coral que hice hace tiempo.

There were dead, alive, in so many textures and colours : red, blues, pinks. I l liked all of them. Corals on the windows of Selfridges, part of their campaign "No more fish on the sea? Project Ocean". See how the confiscated coral travelled from London Zoo to Selfridges, on this video. Here there are some beaded earrings I made earlier on, in the shape of corals.

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