Sunday, November 07, 2010

Verdura al ganchillo - Crochet vegetables

Una receta para perder peso, porque a ver quien se atreve a comerse el plato de verdura que prepara la japonesa jungjung, con coliflor ,brocoli, nabo y zanahorias al ganchillo. De una belleza y delicadeza extrema, al igual que su anterior trabajo con la marca de accesorios japonesa knot, donde publicaron este libro, que me encanta y del que ya hice algunas piezas. Fotos cortesia de jungjung.

I have found a slimming recipe, crochetted vegetables. I for one cannot eat them, but I can try and prepare them as did japanese crochet artist jungjung. Her work is delicate, beautiful, and incredibly detailed, the vegetables are depicted almost photographically. This is no a surprise if we remember that she was one half of the knot brand,who produced this lovely book on crochet accessories, from which I have already done some pieces. Photos from jungjung.

1 comment:

mispapelicos said...

Qué fuerte, no????????????????????
Te requete abrazo.