Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Crema de fruta de la pasion o granadilla - Passion Fruit butter

Gracias a una offerta de final del dia (20 por £1), el sabado me vi con un monton de fruta de la pasion (o granadilla como tambien se la conoce) y ni idea de que hacer con ellas. Un par de busquedas por internet dio como resultado varias recetas entre las que escoger. Me decante por la que parecia mas simple, mantequilla de fruta de la pasion.
La verdad es que tiene una pinta un poco sospechosa con esas pepitas oscuras, tal y como la comi ayer mañana. Pero la colamos y cambia por completo de aspecto y sabe deliciosa.
Aqui la receta.
Ingredientes :

• 100gr butter / mantequilla
• 220 gr sugar / azucar
• 4 eggs beaten / huevos batidos
• Pulp of 12 passion fruit / pulpa de 12 frutas de la passion/granadillas
• 1 tblsp lemon juice / 15 ml zumo limon

Preparation / Preparacion

• Mix the butter and sugar until fluffy , add the eggs slowly, then the lemon juice and finally the pulp. It might look curded and wrong ,ignore that and persevere and until the next step.
Mezclar azucar con mantequilla , añadir huevos poco a poco, luego la pulpa y despues el zumo de limon.

• Prepare a doublé boiler, and add the mixture when the wáter starts simmering, cook -stirring all the time- for about 15 m. or until the mixture thickens.
Preparar un baño maria suave con la mezcla anterior, cocinar removiendo constantemente durante 15 m. o hasta que espese.

• Pour into sterilized jars while still hot. If you do not like it with pips, filter it through a sieve or muslin cloth. The butter will continue thickening as it cools.
Colar o no la mezcla dependiendo del gusto y envasar en frascos esterilizados. La mezcla continua espesando mientras se enfria.

Thanks to a special offer (20 for £1) spotted by my partner at the end of market day on Saturday, I found myself with a glut of passion fruit last Saturday and no idea as to what to do with it.
I put my searching skills to work and a few minutes later I got some recipes to choose from. I went for an easy looking one, passion fruit butter ,I hope you like the recipe.
It looks a bit suspicious with the pips in as I had it this morning, reminding me of those garibaldi biscuits that bring to mind squashed flies. Filtering it through a muslin cloth does wonders for its appearance, while still tasting delicious.


mispapelicos said...

Gracias amiga mía, jejejejje. Cuándo te vienes para España???

Heldasland said...

Sounds delicious, Hello my love how are you? I love the grey waistcoat in previous when did you spot that? I love it.