Saturday, February 09, 2013

Probando recetas y maquinaria - Testing equipment and recipes

Por fin me hice de una mini batidora. Es ideal para mezclar potingues en pequeñas cantidades. Algo que aprendi en el curso que hice pero olvide cuando trate de repetir la receta en casa. Esto termino con una base de miel en el fondo de mi tarro de balsamo limpiador.
Asi que nada mas comprar el juguetito, me puse manos a la obra y calente el balsamo, lo bati, e inmediatamento consiguio la consistencia que queria con la miel completamente homogeneizada en la mezcla. Y puesta ya decidi probar ha hacer esta receta de vaselina organica sin petrolatos de A delightful home. Pero no se que hice que quedo demasiado espesa y dificil de untar. Debo de haber puesto las proporciones equivocadas, porque la mia es bastante dificil de untar. Intentare añadirle mas aceite a ver si asi mejora.
Testing my latest toy, a milk frother. This is ideal to mix small amounts of homemade cosmetics, something I forgot when I made my  first batch of cleansing balm at home. I ended up with the honey in the recipe at the bottom of the jar, still usable but not as good.
Once I got the frother, my first though was to sort out this. In a matter of minutes I had my balm sorted, with better consistency with all the honey nicely incorporated.
Then I decided to try this recipe for an organic non petroleum vaseline from A delightful home.  Unfortunately this turned too thick and non spreadable. I must have mixed the wrong proportions or used the wrong kind of olive oil. Will try to rescue it later on by adding more oil to soften it.


Isthar said...

Estas hecha toda una alquimista.

Heldasland said...

Hello my love, hope you are well.Can you tell me where you I can buy beeswax from?

maya said...


I bought some pellets (more like little tubes) from Neal's Yard, but better buy granules from other retailers (they do not sell them) as will melt better. I have use aromantic co uk for other stuff and I like their service.